Monthly Archives: February 2012

Patience and Hope

Patience And Hope

Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord – Psalm 27:14

The reason that we many times do not see or feel the Lord is that we are not waiting on the Lord. We are still on our own timetable and we are still running madly ahead of God and hoping He will catch up to our plans. But that is not how God works. He doesn’t change just because we are fickle and He does not hurry just because we are impatient.

Believer, I do not doubt that your trial is real, that your burden is heavy, or that your discouragement is deep. But put your eyes upon this promise, wrap your mind around this word: when we wait courageously on the Lord, He will strengthen our hearts. God is never late and He is never insufficient.

What will the future bring? Wait on the Lord. When will this sorrow end? Wait on the Lord. How can I survive this ordeal? Wait on the Lord. How should I handle this decision? Wait on the Lord. The answer echoes through the tunnel of time and from the soundboard of millions of satisfied saints. Wait, I say, on the Lord.

The trial may not go away tomorrow, but neither will the strength that God has promised to give you. The pain may not diminish, but neither will His grace.

Source : Daily Devotion

Resep : Ayam Goreng Bumbu

Paling girang deh kalo dpt resep baru, langsung pengen cobain! Seperti resep yg satu ini, boleh dpt dari saudaraku wktu kita lagi kunjungan ke rumahnya pas Sincia kemarin. Ayam goreng ini sederhana sekali cara masaknya, dan hasilnya enaaak banget! Sekali makan sampe gak bisa berenti, malah jadi ngegadoin mkn ayam gorengnya aja hihihi.. 🙂

Cara Masak :

1. Ayam 1 ekor terlebih dahulu dipotong kecil2 sesuai selera.

2. Campur dengan 1 buah bawang putih cincang + ketumbar bubuk +/- 3 sdm (atau lebih, sesuai selera) + garam 2-3 sdt + gula pasir 2-3 sdm + kecap asin medan yg merek Angsa itu, secukupnya aja (jgn kebnykan nanti malah keasinan!) + kecap manis sedikit +/- 1 sdm

3. Aduk rata semuanya dan rendam sekitar 30 menit sampai 1 jam biar lebih meresap bumbu2nya.

4. Kalau sudah, masukin telur 1 butir, dan tepung terigu seadanya (sesuai selera). Aduk rata semuanya.

  • Tips : Penggunaan tepung terigu sesuai selera. Kalau mau tebel hasil akhir kulit tepungnya, tinggal dibanyakin aja tepung terigunya dalam adonan sebelum menggoreng.

5. Goreng dalam minyak banyak yg sudah panas.

Selamat menikmati!


Mullie Marlina