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Resep : Mee Sua Kuah Favorit

Mee Sua Kuah selalu jadi favorit apalagi saat cuaca hujan yang terus menerus seperti belakangan ini. Sangat mudah cara membuatnya, dan tentu saja nikmat banget apalagi makan selagi masih hangat, betul2 enak dan menghangatkan badan. Yuk, teman2 ikut cobain resep ini! Pssst, resep ini dibuat untuk 3 orang, silahkan customize sendiri ya sesuai kebutuhan keluarga masing2… 🙂

Mee Sua Kuah

Cara Memasak : 

1. Siapkan Mee Sua kering 2 ikat, rendam dalam air biasa sampai mee sua lembek tapi jangan kelamaan, cukup 2 menit (perkiraan). Selesai, kemudian tiriskan.

2. Siapkan 3 telur mata sapi, pisahkan di wadah terpisah.

3. Tumis 2 siung bawang putih cincang, masukkan ke dalam Kaldu 750ml, didihkan.

4. Setelah kaldu mendidih, masukkan mee sua yang sudah agak lembek tadi + telurnya, aduk sebentar saja, lalu matikan api.

5. Sajikan, beri tambahan bawang goreng dan potongan tomat sebagai pelengkapnya. (variasi bisa sesuai selera masing2… )

Nah, mudah banget kan? Selamat mencoba ya… 🙂


Mullie Marlina

Fresh Air Everyday is the Bonus!

It’s another day to say grace to my Father God. Lovely weather everyday, whether it’s hot or rains fall down, I’m happy to see that the Sun is still shining on earth & the Moon is always there to light the dark nite..

I’m grateful everyday, for everything. Not to mention the blessings one by one, but here I would like to say.. Thank you GOD for not putting a price on the air we breathe, allowing me to wake up today (and everyday) without a cost. Thank you for being merciful Lord..

Some people say, good food gives you good mood thru d day, specially when you hv breakfast in d morning. Well, yes it’s..I’m one of the living proof! I start my saturday morning, having 2 Boiled eggs & a glass of Ice Coffee.. 🙂 Believe me, everyday can be beautiful, depends on how you start it.

Glad it’s Saturday. A one fine day for me to take a break from Mon to Fri working & doing home routines. Yup, It’s My Me Time, yeaaay..!!

Last but not least, I wish y’all a lovely weekend too.. Stay upbeat, fellas!! Cheers.. ♪~♪ d(⌒o⌒)b♪~♪

Good thoughts bear good fruit, bad thoughts bear bad fruit – James Allen

With Love,
Mulliechan ^_^